Fine Art Photography by Bill Theis
Photo Exhibition at Corrick’s for Art Trails artists

Photo Exhibition at Corrick’s for Art Trails artists

Corricks‘ at 637 Fourth St in downtown Santa Rosa champions Art Trails for Sonoma County.  As I am a new artist, they invited me to participate in an exhibit of Photographic and Digital Art featuring photographers from Art Trails.  I have three pieces to view. Drop by if your’e in the area as the exhibit at this moment is ongoing!

Yuccas in the gypsum

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Sculpted by wind and rain, the desert supports very few plants including these yucca. Instead of sand, this is the soft-as-talc gypsum, normally a rare constituent of sand because it is water-soluble, except here at White Sands National Monument near Alamogordo, NM, where this gypsum dune field is the largest of its kind in the world. Unlike dunes made of quartz-based sand crystals, the gypsum does not readily convert the sun's energy into heat, and thus can be walked upon safely with bare feet, even in the hottest summer months.

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