Fine Art Photography by Bill Theis
I have begun a Blog

I have begun a Blog

A number of friends are unable to see my Facebook posts and rather than become involved with even more social media, I have started this Blog page on my site that will have the same content but not require you to have a Facebook account to see it.  Consider this an experiment which I may or may not continue. 

So starting with what I consider to be the most enjoyable part:  going out in the field to capture images!  I have been doing this since high school, so a little over 50 years.  Rather than repeat what my vision is and what I seek, let’s just say that the intimate landscape surprises and delights.  It has to be an overwhelming large landscape before it beckons to me to photograph it.  So my work tends to be of small found objects but not “macro” microscopic ones.  I will delve into this quite a bit more in future blogs but usually when I am traveling I put together some of the images for friends.







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